Alcohol Free CR80 Cleaning Card

Chip Terminal cleaning card

Insert or swipe our alcohol free Cleaning Card in your chip, magnetic stripe readers, hotel door locks, bill acceptors, currency counters,  to eliminate residue build up for positive scanning results. The cleaning card is pre-saturated with a Green-e Certified Alcohol Free solution biodegradable, non-carcinogenic, non-toxic, non-flammable and 100% alcohol free! This head cleaning card is designed to safely and effectively remove all dirt, magnetic oxides and other contaminants from all types of concealed magnetic heads, photo and optic sensors on many different types of reader mechanisms. Cleaning cards will maintain your card reader, save you down time & money.

These cards will clean smart card readers/chip readers, ATMs, cedit/debit card readers, POS readers, parking equipment, hotel door locks, self-pay readers, Security access terminals, time & attendance terminals, player tracking for slot machines, badge readers , ID Printers and any other reader/terminal that accepts a credit card size card.

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